How To Deal With the Pandemic and Economic Crisis

This podcast has been created while we are all in the midst of the COVID-19 virus. I have decided to start my podcast earlier than I had planned. I want to share with you words of encouragement as you are navigating your way through this health and economic crisis.  We are living events that are going to impact our lives for years.  Today, I am going to share six strategies on how to deal with the unknown health and economic crisis. Right now many of us are experiencing hardship as we are spending time at home social distancing with our families. Some of you have lost your jobs and are trying to figure out how you are going to take care of your family.  I really want to pour out my heart, because I’ve been there and I know what it feels like to endure hardship.   

In 2008, when we were in a recession, things were not going well for me.  I was still working as a corporate sales manager; however, I was struggling as I had walked out of an abusive marriage.  Being a single mother for the first time and trying to figure out how to make ends meet was very challenging.  During that time I was living at one family members’ house to the other. Although I was always well dressed and wore a bright smile, I was scared and did not know what was my next step.  Around 2010, I moved back with my husband at the time.  Just a few months after moving in, my husband lost his job and began collecting unemployment.  A year later, I lost my job due to a down economy and business restructuring.  It was a difficult time because both of us were collecting unemployment at the time and the bills were higher than the money that was coming in.

“I remember the stress I went through. That is why I would like to share the six strategies that helped me overcome my challenges.”

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

The first strategy is to start your day with a spirit of gratitude.  Be grateful that you are up and alive to see a brand new day. Think about the people in your life who are important to you.  Be gratefully that they are alive and well. Think about the things you now have, your health and anything that is positive that you are grateful for.  Starting your day with a spirit of gratitude places you in a different mind-frame and opens the door to create the lifestyle you want to create.

The second strategy is to meditate. For me, I have my own religious belief and I wake up early in the morning before anyone in the house to read my bible and to pray.  I do indeed to enforce my religious belief on anyone.  I am just sharing my strategy.   I enjoy peaceful mornings where I can be in a prayerful mindset to evaluate my actions and reflect on the things I would like to accomplish for the day.  Meditation helps me to be more centered.  Through meditation I am able to face each day’s challenges with a positive mindset.  I understand that all the events I face is meant to help develop the woman I am meant to become.  It is good for you to find your own form of meditation that works well for you.

Accompanied with medication, it is important to exercise.  Including one form of exercise helps improve your health as well as your mood.  My favorite form of exercise is yoga.  I like yoga because I am a very tense person who worries a lot.  Yoga helps me to breathe and relieve the stress that I feel.

Another strategy is listening to music.  Listening to the music that inspires you and motivates you to be strong will make a major difference in your life.  I know that during the course of the day, if all I do is listen to the news, I am not going to connect with my creative self.

 The next strategy is to manage the things you have control and stop worrying about the situations that are out of your control.  Whether you are making sure that you are taking care of your family’s immediate needs or spending quality time with your family, these are things you have control over.  As you are spending time with family, you have control on how you treat the members of your family.  You also have control over how to take care of yourself.  Use this time to relax and connect with the tasks that are important to you.  I know, some of you might feel stressed due to a loss of employment and you are trying to figure out where your next meal is coming from. I know what the stress feels like, because I have been there.  But you still need to give yourself time to rest and take control of the things you can control, such as the time that you spend with your children.  Our children are watching us to see how we are reacting to life’s challenges.

 Take care of yourself.  If you are spending the day in your pajamas or sweats, that can possibly lead you to feeling depressed.  During this pandemic, I have fooled my mind by dressing up everyday the same way as if I was going to work.  I find this helps me to be my positive self.  

 My last strategy is to plan for your future.  If you do not make plans for your future someone will make their own plans for you.  What is it that you would like to do or you dreamed of doing if you had the time? Now, you have so much time in your hands.  You can actually start planning it.  For instance, I am now utilizing this time to create my podcast and connect with my creative self.  So, this is your time to dream.  Yes, dream big and map it out.  

 In 2010 when I lost my job, I never thought I was going to return back to school and obtain a degree in education.  However, during the hardest time in my life, I dared to dream.  As a result, I made the sacrifices during a down economy to go back to school and fulfill my childhood dream of becoming an educator.  I always believe in a plan “B,” meaning a side hustle to help during these hard times.  For me, my plan “B,” has been a direct marketing business.  It is a great way to bring income in the household during difficult times. When I decided to complete my college degree while we were both on unemployment, it was the money from my direct marketing business that supported my family.  

 Remember life is short.  So live it to the fullest, whether in good or bad times.  The hardship you face is only for a limited time.  This too shall pass. Do not let the pandemic and the poor economy prevent you from planning for your future. When one door closes there is always a window.  That is why you need to be in your best state of mind to find the window of possibilities for your future.