Build Your MLM Download Without
   Prospecting Friend and Family

How to build your MLM or direct marketing download without having prospecting to our friends and family.  Many of us have been told that we need to prospect our friends and family to build our business. Certainly you want to tell everyone about the benefits of your business and most of all how they can earn extra income.  But what happens when you run out of friends and family to share your opportunity?  It is a great feeling when all is going well; however, when you start running out of people to share your business opportunity you begin to feel like a failure.  We are going to look at strategies that you can use to help you to build your direct marketing business. The first strategy is to stop begging your friends and family to join your business. Understand, calling on your friends and family causes them to want to avoid you because you keep asking them to join your direct marketing business.  In the end, you lose credibility.  

In 2001, when I started my own cosmetic line, I was so excited and I wanted my relatives to try my products.  At that time there were no cosmetics for women of color. So, I work with a major manufacturer to customize shades of foundation for women of color.  I called one of my cousins and held a grand family-only grand opening party at her house.  That day I brought all my products from Brooklyn, New York to New York City.  I thought surely they would support my business and purchase my products.  The first word I got from one of my cousins is, “Can I get a discount.”  Talk about a bubble bursting moment.  I ended up spending more money on car gas and wasted time than the few dollars I made from sales.

“Everyone knows you can not build a business giving out discounts to friends and family. If you rely on only friends and family your  business will not be profitable.”

So how do you go outside your reach of your friends and family? One thing, understand why people would say no to your business.  Think about this, most direct marketing companies have a specific script that they want their members to use to bring people in as customers and onto their downline.  So, for instance you meet someone and use the same script that another person in the same direct marketing already used on them, what’s going to happen? This person is going to come up with their own arsenal and ways to say no to you.  Your message has to be different.  The good thing is that  you as a person are different from everyone around you and your life experiences are your message.   What knowledge you have that can make a difference in someone’s life.  Sharing your experiences and knowledge is one way to become an attractive character to promote your business and bring people to your downline.  You possess unique talents and abilities.  Tell your personal stories that will draw others to you.  Provide your ideal customers with solutions to their problems that may be available through your business without selling them on your products and services.   Through storytelling you are building your platform and becoming that attractive character.

Next, Determine how you want to serve the people who are in your target market.  For instance if you are in a business that focuses on wealth creation, you want to address the challenges people may have about finances and provide solutions.  The same applies to the health industry and beauty industry. I love looking at commercials on television.  All the commercials we watch talk about the problem and create the feeling of pain experiencing the problem.  The commercials go on to provide information about the solution and show how their solution causes people to feel pleasure.  One key thing to remember, as humans we are all looking for ways to avoid pain and enjoy pleasure.  If you understand this concept and learn how to use it for your industry then you will be successful at providing value to your potential customers or future downline members.

As you create value, people will be drawn to you and want to learn about your services.  Use different social media to share your message.  Remember, you no longer have to solely focus on your friends and family.  You can build a network of people who follow you through Facebook, YouTube, and the various social media platforms who will want what you have to offer because they connect to with message.

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.