You Are Losing Money If You Are Not Building Your Email List

If you are publishing content and you have people following you on social media, it is important for you to start building an email list.  There are three types of traffic: trafic you earn, traffic that you control and traffic that you own.  An email list and phone list are the only traffic that you own.  Whereas people may be more hesitant to provide their phone, most people will share their email address. You can market your products and services for free when you have an email list.  

It is very easy to create an email list.  You can create a funnel with a video of you describing a solution to a problem that your products or services provide to your ideal customers.  In the video you can direct the viewer to fill out a form in order to obtain more information.  The emails collected can be used to provide your ideal customers with solutions to their problems.

Remember the people who are listening to your podcast, reading your articles from your blog are interested in what you have to say.

 Maybe, they have tried your advice and have found that you have helped them solve a problem.  So why wouldn’t you want to have their email address?   Having an email list helps you to be in contact with the people who are in your target market.  When you build your email list, you are able to share more information with your followers. Sending emails to your followers is a great way to create a person to person relationship with the people in your target market.  

So if you do not have an email list you are losing money.  For even a small email list of 100 people or more can increase in the amount of money you make in your business.  Many of the popular businesses out there know the value of having an email list. I am constantly

getting emails from my favorite fashion brands on the last styles and discounts.  Sure enough, I click on the links and go directly to the websites and make purchases.  This strategy can work well for any type of business you are.  

Don’t leave money on the table.  Take control of your business and start building your email list.  Remember it is very easy to build your email list by creating sales funnels.  Click on the link below to get access to our free sales funnel.

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.