Secrets To Attract Your Ideal Customers

When I attended college I took all the business classes knowing that I was going to create my own cosmetic line.  In my marketing class I was taught how to create a marketing plan and the importance of knowing your target market in order to promote your products.  This same concept works for your direct marketing.  Who is your ideal customer?   Some people call an ideal customer an avatar.  What do your ideal customers look like?  What is their lifestyle? Where do they congregate?  What are they passionate about?  What are their concerns and goals? Once you complete your research about your ideal customers, now you can create strategies on how to reach your customers and provide them with products and services that will improve their lives.  Usually, your ideal customers are people who are like you.  People who have experienced the challenges that you had and are looking for the solution to solve the same problems.  

“Pinpoint your research so that you can truly understand your dream customer.”

The second secret is to know what problems can your product solve for your ideal customer.  Think about the specific problems that you know that your services can solve in the areas of health, wealth and relationships.  Always remember that most people are looking for ways either to avoid pain and ways to experience pleasure.  What about your product will bring pleasure to a customer.  Say for instance, image being in the weight loss business, which can fall under health or relationship.  You want to know what about being overweight can cause your ideal customers to feel pain.  One great way of learning these areas could be to watch commercials about weight loss programs.  From these commercials you will learn the pains that your ideal customers are avoiding and the pleasure they want to experience once they have come to their ideal weight.

This same strategy also works well for the financial industry or as well as the beauty industry.

The third secret is to know where do your customers congregate?  Do they hangout on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Linked in?  Based on the aged group and lifestyles of your customers you will have an idea of the appropriate platform to use in order to communicate with your ideal customers.  Also, who are the key influencers your customers follow or listen to? I recommend conducting a  deeper research to learn the type of shows your ideal customers watch and what they like to do during their free time.   

Once you have completed your research and you fully understand your ideal customers, you are ready to create a message that will provide value to your customers.  Remember your ideal customers are looking for solutions to their problems.  Your job is to know your customers enough to communicate the pain of their problem and the solution that your products and services provide in the language that they understand.

You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.